How it works
Homesharing is a type of arrangement where two unrelated people share the same home. There are different models around the world.
Some models are intergenerational. For example, seniors matched with students can make an excellent arrangement. Other coliving arrangements involve a peer relationship, usually between two or more people closer in age.
In homesharing, each person has a private bedroom and access to a bathroom. However, common areas, such as the kitchen and living room are shared. Household responsibilities are also shared unless the agreement is subject to the provision of services in exchange for reduced or free rent.

Evaluation and matching
Our process involves evaluating all applications whether for hosts or homesharers. So it’s important that you take the time to thoroughly complete the form and answer our questions during our meeting.

Mirela receives and sorts applications and looks after the selection and matching process. By taking on these administrative tasks, we save you many hours of research, phone calls and e-mails. Mirela also provides you with tools and support in drafting the homesharing agreement.

Advice and support
Throughout the process, and even after the match is made, Mirela is here to answer your questions and concerns. Are you unsure about your kinship with someone we’ve introduced you to? We can advise and support you to maintain a responsible and harmonious commitment.

You must first register to have access to our services. The following section lists the steps leading to a match.
Please note that our organization is still young, therefore, our pool of candidates is limited.
1. Registration request
Please contact us by phone or e-mail.
We’ll send you a registration form along with a questionnaire to fill out so we can create your profile and get to know you better.
TELEPHONE: 613-406-2939
2. First meeting with a Mirela representative
For the host, the first meeting usually takes place in your home, and can last from one to two hours. This conversation will enable us to determine your eligibility, get to know you better, find out about your interests and lifestyle, and take a tour of the premises.
We’ll discuss your needs, the private space you have available and the services you’d like to receive.
For the homesharer, the first meeting can take place in person, by telephone or teleconference. This is your opportunity to ask any questions you may have.
3. Referral and criminal record checks
We’ll ask you to provide the names of two personal references who know you well and can attest to your character. We will contact these people to get to know you better:
- Someone close to you (friend, family member, etc.)
- A neutral person (colleague, employer, landlord, etc.)
Since our process is focused on participant safety, we also ask that you provide a copy of a recent criminal record check.
4. Searching for the right person
After the references and criminal background checks, we’ll begin our search to find a person matching your lifestyle, personal preferences and needs.
Once we have found a potential match, we’ll contact you to discuss the matter. If you agree, we’ll schedule a first meeting.
Note: The time it takes to find someone depends on your criteria, your openness and the number of people registered with the organization.
5. Connecting people
The first meeting is usually held by telephone or in a public place. It’s an opportunity to ask questions and express any concerns you may have about privacy, security, compatibility and so on. This is the time to see for yourself if this person may be a good “fit”. It is possible to meet more than one time.
6. Signing the homesharing agreement
If both parties agree to live together, we’ll help you draw up an agreement to specify the services to be provided and the homesharing ground rules.
The agreement includes details such as rent, services, visitors, hours, and required notice to end the agreement.
It’s important not to let financial misunderstandings get in the way of your relationship. Be sure to give a receipt for every rent payment. Both individuals should avoid expensive gifts, loans and financial arrangements other than rent.
7. Discovery period
The first month after the homesharer moves in is a month of discovery for both parties. It’s a time of adaptation, allowing the host and the homesharer to get to know each other better and make the necessary adjustments on both sides, as in any new coliving situation.
In addition to matching and support services, Mirela offers personal development workshops and resources to facilitate better living together. This integrated and collaborative approach sets the organization apart.
In addition to matching and support services, Mirela offers personal development workshops and resources to facilitate better living together. This integrated and collaborative approach sets the organization apart.

Personal development workshops are open to all and promote:
- Better living together
- Inclusion, sharing and mutual support
- The building of meaningful bonds to break isolation
- A sense of belonging
- Working together as a team to be part of the solution
Duration of each workshop: 2 hours 30 minutes
Workshop #1: Not letting my fears get in the way of new experiences
What often holds us back from taking action in our desire to move forward and experience something new, is our fear of losing certain things to which we are attached. This workshop is an introduction to simple principles and exercises that will help you recognize your fears and inherent messages, minimize their influence and, finally, facilitate the manifestation of your deepest aspirations.
Workshop #2: Demystifying conflict
All too often, interpersonal relationships are a source of stress and even suffering. Nevertheless, relational challenges are inevitable, especially if we intend to develop deep and long-lasting relationships. This workshop presents an innovative and effective methodology for turning conflict into a valuable ally in our self-discovery journey. It also helps us grow in unconditional love for ourselves, for others and for life.
Workshop #3: What to do with our emotions
Our ability to experience a variety of emotions, both pleasant and unpleasant, is essential to our well-being. Unfortunately, many of us have learned to repress and avoid emotions such as fear, anger, sadness and despair. In addition to cutting us off from their intended messages, we now know that repressing our emotions can lead to many discomforts and illnesses. This workshop proposes a simple method for developing the ability to welcome all of our emotions without judgment, and thus for improving our chances of fully benefiting from their meaning.
Workshop #4: Recognizing the false self to help us be part of the solution
It’s all too easy to think that conflict can emerge, develop and be maintained “because of” someone else. However, conflict is a dance that requires two people, without whom it cannot exist. Although sometimes confronting, recognizing the aspects of oneself that unconsciously contribute to creating certain unpleasant, painful or even intolerable relational scenarios is nonetheless essential if we really want to free ourselves from these aspects. This workshop offers an effective methodology for quickly recognizing and transforming those aspects of the false self that unknowingly harm us, and thus working on the only factor of transformation: ourselves!
Do you have any further questions?
To take part in a free information session on the homesharing concept:
Please contact

Hosted by France Pérodeau, Gratitude Expérience
France has been a personal development trainer and speaker for over 30 years.

Co-hosted by Mireille Leroux, Habitations partagées Mirela
Mireille is a co-founder of Habitations partagées Mirela, which connects and supports people to better live together and age well at home.
Registration form
To receive the form, please send us an email at or visit the page contact us.
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